Monday, April 14, 2008

My First Time

I put the A in amateur! I am just now starting to learn more about photography. I have a great camera that my sweet husband bought for me not too long ago. However, I don't know how to use it very well. I plan to learn more about it starting now. I also want to learn about lighting. I know I like natural light, but I don't really know what to do with it. I have a great photo shop program and I am going to play around with that, too. If you are visiting me, thanks for stopping by. You will probably be on Evan and Ella Grace overload before you leave. They are my favorite subjects!

My first time at editing...



After after




Kim Heinecke said...

Great pictures! I'm a novice too and it's so fun learning! Do you upload them to blogger? I rarely put my pics on there because they're so BIG... maybe I should use flickr or photobucket...

Anyway, great!

Leigh Ann said...

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